Teen1 likes to cook, always has. It is an oft told story that when she was about 4 years old she got up in the middle of the night and wandered into the kitchen. My mommy sense, or the noise she was making, woke me up and I stumbled into the kitchen to find her sitting on a stool in front of the microwave oven singing
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I asked her what she was doing and she replied, "Cooking breakfast." And indeed she had put bacon on a paper towel covered plate and was cooking it! I told her that bacon for breakfast was a wonderful idea, but that it was still nighttime. "See, it's dark outside." So we put the bacon away and went back to bed. But later we did have that bacon for breakfast.
Teen1 still likes to cook and asked for this cookbook for Christmas. It's by two local women, Claudia Pruett and Rima Barkett. They used to have a restaurant downtown where we often ate. The food was always fresh and well prepared and delicious. Sadly the restaurant has been sold and the food is not quite the same. Their focus is now on encouraging family cooking through this
website, the cookbook, and charity projects. In fact, one day they came to Teen1's cooking class at high school and gave a demonstration. Wonderful women!
So last night Teen1 asked to make dinner and when I picked her up from work she had purchased the ingredients and when we got home she made Penne con Scampi.
And. It. Was. Delicious!
I hope this is the first of many happy meals from that book.
Good for Teen 1, Laura. I wish I had started cooking earlier, although we were pretty self sufficient growing up. I hope this quality lasts and blooms with Teen 1. The dish looks terrific, as well as the cookbook!
Is she available on her day off....?
Have a beautiful & blessed NEW YEAR ... I will be in & out of communication for a couple weeks.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Daddy! Buy that girl a restaurant! That dish looks so good!
One of the most useful skills to have, and you can never start too young. A Happy New Year from the Cotswolds - I've just noticed your frosty oak leaf banner, which made me smile!
Always enjoy your blog. Wishing you a very Blessed New Year.
Happy New Year Laura and family. If that meal tasted as good as it looks it was superb.
Cheers Gillian
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