Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ode to a Tree

I think that I shall never see
A sight as welcoming as this tree
Which tells me I am finally home
However near or far I roam.

This tree whose gnarled branches soar
Above our foolish human roar
Once crowned a meadow grassy green
Now only asphalt can be seen.

Yet powerful still this tree remains,
It pulls me back from distant lanes
Patiently like a trusted friend
Guiding my journey to its end.

Whether an hour, a week, a day
From 'neath its leafy boughs I stray,
It's always waiting there for me
Whispering, "Home at last, I see".

~ penned by Laura Amongst The Oaks


Knitty, Vintage and Rosy said...


What a poignant dedication. I am a lover of trees as well and always feel a deep sense of loss when they are damaged or felled.

About the drive to Toronto, way too many hours unless it is a Thelma and Louise thing.

But by all means, if you are ever up here, we will definitely meet up. We have many tea rooms, wonderful theatre and phenomenal shopping ;)

Lisa xo
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy

travelbug said...

Wonderful! I think talent and flowers for teachers earned your good grades in school!


Amongst The Oaks said...

Yes, I am a tree hugger. Always have been. I spent many hours perched in a tree in my parents front yard, dreaming the day away. I frequently give directions according to trees: turn right at the big magnolia tree, it's the house with the row of liquidamber trees, etc. I'm always shocked when people voice a dislike of trees!

Mary said...

Hi Laura,
What a wonderful tree! I am also a tree lover. I spent many hours up an old apple tree as a child, and can remember writing a poem in college about a maple my parents planted the year I was born. How can anyone not like trees?

Rhondi said...

Hi Laura I love your Ode to the Tree. That poor tree looks so sad and out of place in the pictures. I'm to a tree huggger but I'd like to go and rescue it.